Best Web Development Guide in 3 Minutes

Posted 08/01/22

Table of Contents

This guide provides a more in-depth perspective on website development. Most people only know the surface, as there are 3 types of website managers or developers. However, to see the task and exemplary implementation are still not quite right. This article provides a brief explanation so that it is easy to understand and that the performance will run smoothly.

What is Web Development?

Web development is ongoing work to design the feature functionality of websites and applications (often referred to as “web design”). Still, the term “web development” is usually used to project and actual programming of websites and applications.

In a broader sense, web development includes all the necessary actions, updates, and operations to build, maintain and manage a website to ensure optimal performance, user experience, and speed. Apart from that, this web development includes all the strategic actions needed to ensure proper ranking in search engine results. Usually, the tasks relate to a different specialization, namely search engine optimization (SEO).

What is the Function of Web Development?

The function of web development is to update the website that you have been using for years and ensure the website functions correctly and performs in a way that allows for a great user experience.

What is the Task of Web Development?

Web development generally refers to the tasks associated with developing a website for hosting over an intranet or the internet. The web development process includes web design, web content development, client-side/server-side scripting, and network security configuration, among other tasks.

Who Manages the Website?

The professionals who manage websites are called web developers or (more generally) web developers. Web developers can update their sites by writing lines of code, using various programming languages, which vary depending on the task they are performing and the platform they are working on.

3 Specialization In Web Development

1. Front-End Development

Front-end web development teams have never been more critical than they are now, as business strategists and project managers rush to build seamless user experiences (UX) and user interfaces (UI). They also need to be familiar with Bootstrap, AngularJS, and EmberJS, which make the website look more interactive & alive. Libraries like jQuery also help package code into a lightweight and compatible form.

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2. Back-End Development

Server-side development is referred to as backend development. Databases, programming, and website architecture are all covered. It describes the actions behind the scenes when a user performs a specific activity on a website. It may be logging into an account or purchasing anything from an internet retailer. Backend developers write code that allows browsers to connect with database information.

Back-end Server-side development is referred to as development. Development Languages, Database and Cache, Server, API (REST & SOAP), and other backend developer abilities are essential. Back-end web developers should be knowledgeable with the database, server, API, etc. The front-end development service cannot be supplied separately. However, the backend web development service can.

3. Full Stack Web Development

Full-stack development refers to creating a web application’s front end (client-side) and back end (server-side). Web developers that can create whole web applications and websites are known as full-stack web developers. They work on online applications and websites’ front-ends, backends, databases, and debugging.

The term “full-stack developer” was popularized in a seminar around 8 years ago when Facebook announced that they were looking to hire only “full-stack web developers.” Basically, a full-stack developer should be knowledgeable enough to work on both the front-end tech and the backend tech. So he must understand how the web works at each and every level.

web development best guide

What are the Three Most Essential Parts of Web Development?

In fact, it makes sense to think of web design as being made up of three major non-technical components: aesthetic design, information design, and interface design. If you want to be a great web designer, you must have a firm grasp of all three.

Aesthetic Design

Aesthetic design is all about getting the look right. If you are good at this, it means that you will be able to design a site that not only looks good but is designed appropriately. Different designs convey different messages to the end user, so the design must match the message of the site.

This is why it is vital as a web designer that you don’t blindly follow fashion and trends. You should always think about how you can make the site design look good and look appropriate.

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Information Design

Information design is about preparing information on a website in the best possible way to find and digest information efficiently and effectively. On more significant sites, simply finding information becomes a challenge, but processing is always a design issue on sites large and small.

But information design isn’t limited to what’s on one page. It’s also about what structure you use to hold sections of the site, layout menus, and submenus and link up the different sections.

A quick example of information design is organizing and formatting text on a page. Since people tend to skim content on screens, it’s much better to manage them with titles and subtitles, diagrams and visual hooks, and general variations for the eye. Techniques like this make the information on the page easier to digest.

Interface design

Interface design is the arrangement and arrangement of how users can interact with a site. The word interface means the point or surface where two things touch. So a web user interface is where a person and a website come into contact – so menus, components, forms, and all the other ways you can interact with a website.

Good interface design is all about making the experience of using a website easy, effective, and intuitive. It’s a lot easier to demonstrate poor interface design because that’s when you really notice it.

An example of an interface you come across as a web designer is the Application Programming Interface or API. An API is a collection of functions and protocols with which you (or your program to be more precise) can interact with whatever API it is. So, for example, Google Maps provides an API that you can use to create an app or site that works with Google Maps.

web development best guide for you

Easy Steps to Managing Your Website Development

Set a Goal of Your Project

Goals guide everyone on the project to your final destination. Is your goal to sell your product online, provide customer support, or promote investor relations? Define carefully and clearly document your goals.

Determine the critical success factors – the things at the end of the project that let you know if you have succeeded. Make them measurable, so you know if you have achieved them. For example, website development should result in a 25% increase in online sales by the end of the year.

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Preparation For Project Planning

After determining the goal, the next step is to determine how you will achieve the goal. This involves planning how many people, resources, and budgets are needed. If sending these at home, decide what activities to generate each post are required.

For example, you might decide a web designer will develop page layouts and navigation diagrams. You may decide that the marketing team will provide all the product details and photos. You may decide that your financial manager will set up merchant accounts and payment gateways to enable e-commerce transactions through your website. If outsourcing is working, determine precisely what the sub-contractor has to provide. Estimate the time and effort required for each activity and decide on a schedule and a realistic budget. Ensure key stakeholders review and agree on plans and budgets.

Project Tracking When in Progress

Constant monitoring of variations between actual and planned costs, schedule, and scope is required. Report deviations to critical stakeholders and take corrective action if variations occur. To get the project back on track, you need to adjust costs, scope, and schedule.

Suppose your programmer has a technical problem that threatens to delay the project. You can recover time by rearranging or shortening the remaining tasks. If that’s not possible, you might consider increasing your budget to hire additional programmers or considering reducing coverage in other areas.

Be aware that any adjustments you make to the plan can affect the shipment’s quality. If you need to increase your budget, seek approval from the project sponsor.


Knowing the meaning of web development to the proper implementation in developing your site. This article is here as a complement to executing the appropriate web development for you. You can also see articles related to web development.

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