C++ Are Growing on Popularity. Can Startup’s Use C++?

Posted 23/10/23

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C++ is a programming language that is often used on a large scale in software creation. Of course, the popularity of this programming language is increasing compared to the previous year. According to the TIOBE index, C++ ranked as the fourth most popular programming language in July 2023, with a rating of 7.71%, up from 6.38% in July 2022.

It’s a big question, what happened to C++’s development? What are they used for? If you are a startup that has a business focus on making software, you must know this. In this discussion, we will thoroughly examine the uses and developments of C++ for your startup.

Why C++ Is In Happening 2023

1. Many Companies build AI and NLP systems

Some of the sources we found turned out that many companies are developing AI and NLP with C++. The source we quoted from Analytic Insight said in his article entitled “Top 10 Programming Languages for AI and NLP” one of the best programming languages for building AI and NLP systems is C++. This is proven by the support of libraries owned including Eigen and FANN which give C++ programmers the flexibility to build software architectures for machine learning and neural networks.

In addition, it turns out that the Meta company is secretly using C++ as its programming language for its core infrastructure, such as servers, databases, storage systems, and artificial intelligence. There are lots of others that use C++, Microsoft, LinkedIn, Google, and even Apple. It’s interesting too.

2. Most Energy Efficient Programming Languages

For those of you who don’t know the unique facts of C++, it turns out to be one of the most environmentally friendly programming languages. The source that we quote from the article entitled “Python is 57x slower than C++ (and 45x worse for the planet)” states that the energy released by C++ is 77. This is lower than Java, which emits 114 energy.

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3. Best Security System for Software

Based on claims from the creators of C++, it was revealed that the development of C++ is certainly focused on security concerns to prevent hackers from threatening data. Of course, this makes big companies want to use C++ in their software.

4. Top Rated Data Analytics Platform

Due to its extraordinary capabilities, especially for data analytics purposes, C++ has been named in an article entitled “Top programming languages for data scientists in 2023” as one of the recommended programming languages for data scientists in 2023. This will be even more interesting if you try it on your software.

5. Indicate Will Replaced Python Someday

Recently, when we look at the news circulating on Google News, C++ is often compared to Python. Comparisons made by many websites are regarding the speed that Python has which is slower than C ++. It can be indicated that Python will eventually be shifted from being the best programming language for data analytics and C++ will be the prima donna for software development. What do you guys think about this? Consult if you are still unsure between C++ or Python.

6. Top Software Architecture for Several Industry

According to Paul Jansen, CEO of software quality services provider Tiobe, now that systems tend to get bigger, C++ is the way to go for fields like automotive, financial markets (trade), medical, and semiconductors. Plus searches on Google, Bing, Yahoo, and Wikipedia also lean more towards C++ searches in the number of skilled engineers, courses, and third-party vendors related to every programming language worldwide.

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Key Takeaway: C++ is Growing for future AI and Software Development

It doesn’t feel like the end of the discussion and our findings are useful for you. It is becoming increasingly clear that the development of AI has had an impact on the C++ programming language. Even so, C++ is not easy to understand for many developers. Until there is a website that talks about “Big Tech Software Firms are Looking for Skilled C++ Developers!” then we are here to bring you together with our reliable C ++ developers. Contact us now for your C++ development needs.


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