Will Natives Die in Hybrid Era? 

Posted 27/03/23

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Native or Hybrid apps? This is often a dilemma when compiling application requirements to be made. The process of choosing this is not difficult, but an informed decision will certainly affect the performance of your apps.

In this article, we will provide solutions for determining your choice. Not only that, the discussion this time will allude to trends that occur in app development.

Based on our findings, the trend regarding hybrid apps has entered its peak. Here is the discussion for you.

Why is Hybrid Better than Native?

stackoverflow survey

Based on the statistics obtained through the 2022 Stackoverflow survey, proves that more developers use a line of code for hybrid apps. All the respondents said Flutter and React Native were the programming languages they liked compared to Kotlin and Swift.

Several other sources from Venture Beat also say that the trend of using hybrid apps started in 2020. It was found that A full 74% of the top 50 retail apps in the U.S. App Stores are hybrid apps. Several global retail companies such as Amazon, Walmart, and Nike have used hybrid apps first.

Furthermore, findings that draw data from Forester state that the hybrid approach can save an organization between 75% and 80% compared to the native. However, developers must keep an eye on the potential challenges that can arise as a result of going the hybrid route.

These three factors of our findings reinforce that hybrid is better than native. Some global startups have also felt the effects when using hybrid apps. Like the Travelstart App, which reduced its codebase by 90% by migrating to hybrid apps. As a result, their application is faster and more effective. Besides that, it also has an impact on the seamless user experience.

Is our discovery enough to prove that hybrid apps are better than native ones? Not enough. Then why do they think hybrid is better? Then what is the difference between native vs hybrid? Don’t stop here. Check out our next discovery.

What Is the Difference Between Native vs Hybrid Apps?

whats the differences between native and hybrid

The most striking difference between native and hybrid apps is that developing Android and iOS applications requires coding for both applications respectively. Meanwhile, hybrid apps only require single coding to be used in both applications.

Then once you know the difference, it will be even more specific about what your needs are like. Is hybrid your best choice?

Is Hybrid a Better Option?

Make your best choice based on your current condition. Choosing the right approach will certainly reduce the cost burden that you have to spend. Here are questions that you need to evaluate first.

  • Does your application require a short time to launch?
  • Do you want to make an application for only one platform or both (android and iOS)?
  • What features will be your mainstay in the application?

You need to evaluate these three questions first because the benefits you will experience are what is your expectation. Further explanation will be discussed in our discussion Should my app be native or hybrid? Don’t miss it.

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Furthermore, are there any special situations you need to be aware of when deciding on a native or hybrid app approach? Find “aha” in each of our discussions.

When should I choose Hybrid vs Native apps?

1. Budget

It’s an excellent choice if your budget is limited. Since hybrid apps can run on multiple platforms, they are more cost-effective than native apps.

2. Time to market

Hybrid apps are ideal when you need to quickly launch your app. You can develop apps using a single codebase and deploy it to multiple platforms simultaneously, reducing development time.

3. User experience

Native apps are generally considered better than hybrid apps when it comes to providing an intuitive and seamless user experience. because they are designed specifically for each platform.

4. Apps complexity

For complex features like machine learning and advanced graphics, native apps may be your best choice. Compared to hybrid apps, native apps are faster and more efficient.

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Should My App be Native or Hybrid?

There are several factors that you need to consider before choosing. What benefits will you get and what challenges do you need to face?

Advantages you can get from Native app

  • High Speed
  • Offline functionality
  • Minimum chances of bugs
  • More instinctive and unified
  • Inflated security
  • Sheer performance

Disadvantages you will get from Native app

  • Codes can’t be reused
  • Heavy maintenance
  • Needs high skills and talents

Advantages you must take from a hybrid app

  • Minimize the test architecture and simplifies QA & testing process
  • Able to store offline data
  • You can use a single language and SDK to build apps on any device or operating system
  • The total development time to build an app for both Android and iOS is significantly reduced

Disadvantages you will get from a hybrid app

  • Low performing compared to native apps
  • You can’t develop a hybrid app with JavaScript alone.
  • You need to integrate hybrid app frameworks like Cordova, Ionic, or React Native

What are hybrid or native apps examples?

Examples of hybrid apps

1. Uber

It has a simple and intuitive user interface combined with easy navigation. Both Android and iOS users will enjoy the app’s fast performance and dynamic features.

2. Twitter

One of the best hybrid app examples is Twitter, one of the most famous social media platforms. It has observed a large volume of traffic. This app has resolved all performance issues common to hybrid apps. Twitter has transformed users’ perception regarding the hybrid application and hence raised the demand for these apps among businesses.

3. Amazon

Another hybrid app is the Amazon App Store, which is powered by HTML5 and redefines the user experience. With its attractive user interface, it stands out among different users and makes the app extremely appealing.

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Examples of Native Apps

1. Pokemon Go

Pokémon Go efficiently accesses system functionalities. GPS for mapping locations, the camera for augmented reality, and the accelerometer to measure acceleration for the best possible user experience. Pokémon Go can also take advantage of push notifications, which are designed to bring users back to the game over time.

2. Spotify app

Spotify – a well-liked native app example. Other than it, Spotify is also one of the most prominent cloud-native application examples. Thanks to Google Cloud, Spotify has unlocked significant performance efficiency in its workloads to better serve its users.

3. Whatsapp

Developed as a native app for iOs and Android phones, WhatsApp is a commonly-used messaging service in many parts of the world. This native app example is a potential option for business communication tools in the workplace.

Where to Get Top-Class Hybrid and Native App Development Services

It doesn’t feel like there is an end to our article discussing this time. We hope you find an aha in every discussion. Now is the time for you to find the best provider to support your application development both natively and hybrid. You can see what technologies are available to you on the mobile app development services.

If you find a need that is relevant to you there, don’t hesitate to drop a line or message to our expert and we’ll respond to you quickly.

About us: We’ve helped startups for building custom software, mobile apps, prototypes, and MVPs. Having large capacities, startup experience, and proven development processes make us stand out.

We are experienced in addressing the business needs of both corporations and startups. Also, we’d be happy to assist you!


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