6 Stages in Makes Quality of Custom Development

Posted 10/03/23

Table of Contents

Are you running or working on custom software? The sprint process is often delayed at this point for many project managers. Typically, a task goes through several stages before being finalized and, in software development, there are usually stages such as planning, executing, reviewing, and deploying.

In addition to being rushed by time and under pressure from the owner, the process of development stages is not optimal. A lot of additions and improvements weren’t properly scheduled, so during deployment, it became a big problem.

At this time, we’d like to help you. It’s not just about chasing sprints and finishing, it’s about quality. Making sure it’s measurable and minimizing errors. Do you know how? Read this article to the end and get an interesting opportunity.

1. Planning for the Improvement

The initial stage is planning. What kind of planning? And how? This planning can start with the methodology that you will use in developing your custom software.

Choosing the right software development methodology for the project will greatly improve the process and the result. The best approach to using Waterfall, Kanban, Scrum, or Lean depends on how well your goals, scope, budget, and capacity are defined, as well as your functional and non-functional requirements.

The next thing you can do is create an organized and transparent workflow. It’s a bit clichéd even trivial, but we’ve seen so many teams that haven’t thought through their basic workflow. Life and task circumstances are often more complicated than simply doing or not doing.

Regardless of the context of your workflow, it should be clear and explicit. Most of the tools allow you to customize your workflow. It then becomes a habit, much like brushing your teeth. You don’t have to force yourself (or anyone else on your team) to do it all the time.

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2. Analyzing the Desired Product Market

The next step is to analyze the product market. Within this scope you can conduct an analysis effort in 3 parts:

Research the market

Conduct thorough research of the market to get an idea of the competition, market trends, and user preferences. This information will help in developing an application that stands out in the market.

Evaluate the competition

Analyze the competition to understand what works and what doesn’t. This information can be used to develop an application that is more user-friendly and efficient.

Identify the unique selling proposition (USP)

Identify the USP of the application to stand out in the market. The USP should be based on the target audience and competition analysis.

3. Making product designs for users

In designing products for users, startup companies often experience problems with product market fit. A minimum viable product plays an important role in becoming an answer. You can read our review of the Minimum viable product. But is MVP alone enough to answer the needs of users? Before moving towards MVP there are things that you need to pay attention to until the important factors after your Minimum viable product has been validated.

There are 2 factors that your product design is eyed by many users:

Identify User Needs

The first step in making product designs for users is identifying their needs. You can do this by conducting user research, surveys, and feedback. By understanding users’ requirements, you can ensure that the product meets their needs.

Create User Personas

A user persona is a fictional character that represents the target user group. Creating user personas can help you understand user behaviors, goals, and preferences. It can also help you design products that meet their expectations.

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4. Implementing the designs that have been made

After your product designs are done, it is time to implement them. It is essential to follow the implementation plan and ensure that all stakeholders are involved in the process. The implementation process should be monitored closely to ensure that everything is going according to plan. Consider designing products that can be used with assistive technologies, such as screen readers and voice recognition software.

5. Testing and integrating before mass launching

Once the designs have been implemented, it is essential to train users. This will help to ensure that they understand how to use the designs effectively. Training should be tailored to the needs of the users and should be provided in a way that is easy to understand.

After the implementation process is complete, it is essential to evaluate the results. This will help to identify any areas that need improvement and make any necessary adjustments. Evaluation should be ongoing to ensure that the designs are meeting the needs of the users and achieving the desired results.

Usability testing involves evaluating a product’s ease of use by testing it with representative users. Usability testing can help you identify design flaws and areas that need improvement. By conducting usability testing, you can ensure that the product meets users’ expectations.

6. After launching, maintenance is carried out if some errors or bugs interfere with the software user

After launching the product, it is essential to gather user feedback and iterate on the design or features of your software development. Continuously improving the design can help you create a product that meets users’ changing needs and preferences. Also, don’t forget to carry out ongoing maintenance so that bugs and errors don’t interfere with your product’s performance in the hands of users.

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Final Takeaway

The main point of these 6 stages is that when you are running a project, you need to pay attention to planning the methodology that you will use, and the workflow that you will use. Apart from that, the goals that you need to set each week must be realistic and achievable. You also need to pay attention to the resources you have. So that project planning that will be carried out or is being carried out is done right on time.

Emveep experts have experience in developing software, web development, and mobile development, especially for startups. Emveep has driven many startups to the gates of success through the digital products they make. This opportunity is a rare moment. You can talk directly with our experts to discuss your software project.

Don’t waste this opportunity. Book your appointment now.


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