Top Programming Languages Web 3.0 In 2024

Posted 14/08/24

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Web 3.0 is the term that is most often considered in any discussion about technology for the future. If you are still not familiar with Web 3.0, it’s a good idea to surf the article Web 2.0 VS Web 3.0 and learn more about the Web’s evolution.

We have discussed there that Web 3.0 has brought very significant progress for users in utilizing internet technology. Therefore, curiosity about the programming language used in Web 3.0 development is also in the spotlight, especially if you are a businessman in the technology sector who wants to get involved in looking for opportunities in Web 3.0.

To choose the programming language you will use, it’s a good idea to know every programming language used in Web 3.0 to facilitate your decision-making process.

The following discussion will bring you an outline of the best programming languages in the Web 3.0 field.

Best Programming Languages for Web 3.0 in 2024

Web 3.0 applications have gradually become concerned with their highly effective implementations via NFT, Defi and metaverse. Apart from that, in Web 3.0, you can also find a large ecosystem of decentralized applications.

What, in fact, unites all of these elements? The answer is that every programming language used has contributed to the advancement of Web 3.0. Here are some of the top choices of programming languages for developing Web 3.0 solutions to satisfy your curiosity.

1. Solidity

Solidity programming languages

You will find Solidity as a Web 3.0 programming language in the first position. For developing smart contracts like Web 3.0, object-oriented and Turing-complete programming languages are the most popular choices.

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Solidity can also develop smart contracts on other blockchain networks, such as the Ethereum Virtual Machine or EVM. In Solidity, you can also find influences from C++, JavaScript, and Python, making it a high-level programming language.

In simple terms, Solidity is the favorite programming language for Ethereum smart contract developers. Therefore, when choosing Solidity, you will likely have to develop dApps or smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. As a Web 3.0 programming language, Solidity is an easy language to learn.

2. C++

C++ programming language

It has been mentioned before regarding the involvement of C++. As a high-level programming language, C++ is undoubtedly claimed to be a reliable choice for Web 3.0 programming. Apart from being a high-level programming language, C++ is also the top and favorite blockchain programming language for programmers in various domains.

The main advantage that can be felt when choosing C++ refers to the memory control primitives, besides the necessary support for semantic movement. C++ also includes various object-oriented features and advanced multi-threading. It can also assist Web 3.0 developers in combining functionality and data in a single module.

3. Java

java programming languagesApart from Solidity & C++, Java also must be included on the list as a programming language for Web 3.0 development which is very worthy of being reckoned with. Java has an official role in supporting Android mobile app development. In addition, another fact of Java is that it works in Web 3.0 programming with the influence of C syntax.

Leveraging Java, developers can create smart contracts featuring extensive libraries, object-oriented programming support, and live memory cleaners. Another thing you can learn about Java is that it is the trusted programming language behind many popular blockchain platforms, such as the Hyoerledger Fabric.

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4. Python

python programming languages

Python is undoubtedly one of the big names in the popular Web 3.0 programming language pool. Python is an interpreted and object-oriented language for Web 3.0 programming with many advantages to offer developers.

An example of the advantage is that Python can help facilitate faster prototype development while serving user cases in test and control. Apart from that, Python is also capable of managing various performance-related issues. Python also has more accessible access to an extensive collection of plugins and libraries, providing adequate results for all developers.


The various choices presented show that you have many options for programming languages to develop applications on Web 3.0. As it is known that Web 3.0 is a concept with many innovative opportunities, therefore you need a programming language that can help you get the desired benefits.

In choosing a programming language, you can look at it in terms of your abilities or of wanting to develop your skills and creativity. Both will take you to a different programming language.

See our discussion below if you are still curious about this topic.

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