Emveep Solved 7 Outsourcing Software Development Problems

Posted 07/07/22

Table of Contents

Quick Overview:

Problems of Outsourcing Software Development Companies:

  1. Lack of Clarity of Roles and Responsibilities
  2. Lack of Communication
  3. Insufficient Technical Skills
  4. Poor Planning
  5. Choosing the Cheapest Outsourcing Provider
  6. Project Estimation
  7. Micromanaging the project


According to GSA report in 2018 shows that 70% of the companies surveyed will outsource more in the coming years. And research by Technavio shows that “the IT outsourcing market size will grow by $98 billion over 2020-2024”. But despite its tremendous growth, global outsourcing has a high failure rate. According to Dun & Bradstreet’s Global Outsourcing Barometer, “20 to 25% of all outsourcing relationships fail within two years, and 50% fail within five years”. Many companies experience delays, budget overruns, low-quality service, and even contract terminations.

But what exactly is the problem? Why are almost half of the outsourcing companies unable to deliver the required value? Can Emveep solve the problem as an outsourcing company? You will find the answer right away if you read this article to the end.

Why Can Outsourcing Companies Fail?

This failure factor stems from a lack of knowledge about where the client’s software development is directed, unrealistically high expectations, lack of project management skills, and project estimation, very scary aren’t it? There is a proverb “if your subordinates are not able to do your job then do it yourself”. This also applies if the outsourcing company you choose does not become a solution for you, outsourcing is not a solution.

7 Problem When Outsourcing Software Development

Let’s dive into the problem and how emveep converts a project failure become an advantage in the market.

Software development partners

1. Lack of Clarity of Roles and Responsibilities

Failing to define responsibilities, roles, and expectations with internal and distributed teams is one of the reasons behind the failure of outsourcing many companies. There is a unique culture that has been instilled by the emveep company before starting to work on the project, first of all, emveep ensures that the internal team first understands the process, responsibilities, and roles.

So that when the stage of development begins, our internal team understands and our team’s operating guidelines will ensure the continuity of your project. Interesting right?

Read Also :  Why Outsourcing Is Better Than In-House for Startup

2. Lack of Communication

Clients often hide some information from their outsourcing partners because they believe things are obvious. But if the outsourcing company doesn’t fully understand what needs to be done, then the job won’t get done as expected. Emveep understands communication is the key to teamwork and delivering the best result. Therefore, we are quick to respond to your needs and we know you need to iterate quickly.

3. Insufficient Technical Skills

Companies usually outsource their software development to eliminate the huge costs and cumbersome process of hiring skilled employees. Sometimes a lack of skills and experience on the side of the vendor also causes a big mess because they are not able to deliver the desired result.

The reason behind this could be the development team not having the right skills. Or maybe their process is not compatible with the client workflow. But don’t worry, we have worked on more than 25 highly complex projects, huge datasets, and high availability demanded apps for more than 8 years of experience. We can improve your software by having a team of highly skilled software outsourcing engineers work with you.

4. Poor Planning

Starting from a bad start is a sign of planning a project failure. But Emveep elegantly tackles this. From ensuring documentation to communication and achievement, everything has to be predetermined. So that your operational costs do not experience swelling.

5. Choosing the Cheapest Outsourcing Provider

Choosing the cheapest outsourcing provider is not the right way to increase savings. They often produce subpar results in the form of low-quality code, project delays, or miscommunication. However, the focus should be on getting as much business value out of these partnerships as possible. Fast and cheap service will often only cause more problems in the long run.

We understand that many Startups without a big investment, mid-sized businesses, and companies with a clear MVP who want to sell products may have difficulty developing projects on a limited budget. So we decided that price is not a barrier to developing your project. The budget you have can be adjusted to the service you will get.

Read Also :  Five Common Mistakes to Avoid When Outsourcing Software Developer 

6. Project Estimation

Some outsourcing companies set unrealistic deadlines and estimates for software projects when bidding on projects and writing proposals to win clients’ trust. On the other hand, some clients accept their conditions because they are not familiar with the software development process. They tried to cut costs and time, but in the end, they produced an unsatisfactory product.

Of course, this is not a principle we adhere to as a custom software development company but we tend to be realistic about your deadlines and estimated budget.

7. Believe that all matters

Joining hands for trusted outsourcing software development is very important. If you have chosen an outsourcing partner that meets all your requirements, but you are still trying to micromanage the project or develop arguments with developers. Emveep has proven throughout the software development industry as a trusted outsourcing partner who can leverage knowledge and experience while developing detailed roadmaps. In addition, we have been trusted to deliver well-known brands such as Julo, and Fixington to international companies.

Top 4 International Startup Succeed With Emveep

Here is a list of startup that succeed with emveep:

1. Reebonz

Reebonz International startup

About The Project

We work closely with Reebonz to make their startup become a unicorn. We helped them by building a great e-commerce platform. Many new payment gateway providers were implemented with various encryption methods. We have developed the features with many interesting technologies. We are doing  bugfix on the backend, creating and improved many fraud detection features, changing the payment API to the new themes, creating admin UI for the credit template, making campaign email sender, and putting product translator using Google Translate API.

Features We Develop

  • Online payment
  • Product Translator
  • Campaign email
  • Secured Transaction


After we developed the e-commerce platform users feel more convenient and have a better shopping experience.

2. Julo

Julo international startup

About The Project

Julo is an innovative financial technology that provides unsecured loans for indonesian citizens via smartphone application basics. Julo requested Emveep develop an informative website and user-friendly mobile apps.

Read Also :  How Startups Can Leverage External Teams for Development

Features We Develop

  • Flexible credit option
  • Cashback for loan
  • Multiple payment method
  • Chat CS.


As a result of the improvement in the user experience, there has been an increase in the number of users of the application.

3. Fixington

fixington global startup

About The Project

We build a web and mobile application for IOS that help Fixington to match their customer with the best tradesperson to solve their problem. This application help independent tradesman simply track jobs, create invoices, and process payment at the same time. With this tool, highly skilled tradesmen won’t spend too much time doing paperwork and marketing so they can enjoy a better steady stream of work. They don’t have to worry about marketing, scheduling, and payment processing stuff anymore. The householders also can enjoy the convenience of online booking and convenient payment processing.

Features We Develop

  • Simple calendar and job list designed
  • Customize a professional invoice
  • Keep track of charges and payments
  • Synchronize all data with a central server


Tradesmen can easily create invoices, schedule jobs with ,ultiple customer appointments, and store customer details and addresses.

4. Rpoint

rpoint global startup

About The Project

We are working with Rpoint to develop a POS mobile app on iOS for a restaurant. The Apps that we create are easy to use and serve a lot of information about orders and payments so the restaurant owner can review their business from the apps.

Features We Develop

  • Huge analytics
  • Self-service kiosk
  • Table side ordering
  • Online ordering


As a result of the development, Rpoint reports that they are happy with the application, which is user-friendly and has seamless operations.

What’s Next?

If you want to end the headache of hiring, managing, monitoring internal team members, and failing, Emveep could be the solution. Have Highly programming skills so that your product is successfully developed, and operational on time. Take a look our software development service that fit with your business need.


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